Love this. I could read this over and over again, “ No wonder so many of us are wounded and limping, unable to gain traction in our spiritual journeys. With an over-valuing of speculative theology that ascribes God characteristics which keep God distant – immutability, omniscience, omnipotence, impassibility, and the like, it’s no wonder we are running ourselves ragged with our performative religion to please this God-Above-Us. When we perform our religion, it allows us to stay in control.” So challenging, especially as a parent. Learning to let go and trusting God to be who He says He is in their lives all while trying not to screw them up entirely as I am shaking off my own chains and He allows them to be entrusted to me. Love your perspective!

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Yes, this can feel like walking on a tightrope at times and the stakes are high. But when we remember we are safe in the heart of God, and that God deeply understands our human condition, this can help us relax into the journey. Perfect, or even near perfect, parenting is a myth. Much love to you, fellow sojourner.

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Love this!

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Thank you partner!

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